torsdag 22 maj 2014

Dubai PD utilizes Google Glass

Not only do the police in Dubai have a way cooler police car armada than most other countries, now their traffic cops will also be equipped with Google Glass. 

The whole thing is still in a testing phase, but the Dubai PD have already developed two new Google Glass apps; one that takes photos of traffic violations, and another that allows the officer to identify a car and its owner based on the car's registration number.

Currently Google Glass is officially only for sale in the US but the Dubai chief of police says to Gulf News that, if the test falls out well they will begin to provide more officers with Google Glasses, as the product becomes available in to the Dubai market.

2 kommentarer:

  1. This is a great idea. The US police force would never agree to do this. They fight against those dash cams and those save all kinds of lives.

    1. I used to play around with this app called Layar a while ago that let you point your phone in any direction and the screen would then report points of interest ahead of you. The POIs where governed by which layer you had picked at the moment, one of may was a "crimes near by" layer. It was kinda neat, and I assume the cops could use this the same way!
