torsdag 26 juni 2014

Status update

Hi all,

The Social Gnome has been awfully un-social over the last few weeks, mostly due to the fact that I have a new job that has taken up a lot of my time.

As of the start of May 2014 I am now the Chief Communications Officer for Sundaya, a solar energy company based out of Jakarta Indonesia.

The job opened up a lot of opportunities for me; not only am I in charged of setting up a whole new communications strategy for a emerging company, I also get to combine that with a passion for clean energy.

I get to do what I love, and I get to help the planet (which I also love) - one small step at a time :).

Part of the reason for why I accepted the new job was that I believe the technology to be good enough now to actually support a new for of communication when it comes to clean energy and solar. Up until recently the talk has been mostly that fossil fuels are killing the planet, and if you dont get of the fossil train, you (by association) are also killing the planet. I never responded well to that type of "threat communication" and never really understood why that seemed to be the bulk of everything pro clean energy.

Now we have gotten to the point where solar cells, and battery packs, are actually good enough to cover most of our everyday energy needs. It is no longer a stretch to use solar - you no longer have to give up any standard comforts - but you can rather easily make the switch, at least for some of the minor products (charging phones and computers for example).

For these reasons I am very excited to work for Sundaya, and I invite you all to follow our Facebook pages and our blog (both run by yours truly).


Today we have published an interesting article on the blog about Light up Somalia, a project bringing light and jobs to the rural parts of Somalia using Sundaya products. Check it out!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Congrats on the new job at Sundaya! It must give you a good feeling to go to work Nisse.

    1. Thank you Maurice! I really look forward to this, it feels like a good change for me :). I'll try and keep this blog updated as frequently s possible still!
